One of the most common types of personal injury cases today is car accident injuries. In fact, over 3 million people suffer injuries from car accidents each year. When you figure that many of those people will suffer permanent injuries, and the rest could be facing lengthy recovery and physical therapy, it's no surprise that you might want to seek restitution from the responsible driver. If you've reached out to a personal injury lawyer for help, they will talk with you about determining how much your case could be worth. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to consider when you're trying to settle on a figure to ask for in your case.

Your Current Medical Expenses

The first, and most obvious, factor to consider when you're settling on the damages for your auto accident case is the existing medical bills that you've already accumulated since the accident. Consider every medical expense associated with the accident, including your ambulance ride, any emergency room or intensive care stays, and the treatment that you've received from any relevant doctors thus far. 

For example, if you suffered a broken bone in the midst of things, you can include the physical therapy services you'll need once the cast is off, as well as the costs for the x-rays, the cast, and the doctor's exams that you've attended to monitor your healing. Even if you haven't yet paid any of these bills, you should seek restitution because the expenses shouldn't be your burden if the accident wasn't your fault.

Your Maximum Medical Improvement

In the accident injury treatment industry, the term "maximum medical improvement" is used often. It refers to the level of recovery that can be expected for certain injuries and situations. If you suffered a significant injury, you'll want to talk with your medical care team about your maximum medical improvement so that you know what you can expect for long-term treatment and care.

For example, in some cases, your maximum medical improvement may leave you still needing ongoing physical therapy, pain management, and assistive devices. If so, you'll want to talk with your auto accident attorney about these costs and ensure that you account for those ongoing medical expenses in the settlement that you ask for.

Lost Earnings, Both Present And Future

After an auto accident in which you suffered injuries, you're sure to have missed work during your initial injury recovery as well as ongoing time for any follow-up medical appointments. That time that you missed from work is considered lost earnings, and you're entitled to seek restitution for that. 

Not only that, but in some situations, you might also be able to ask for future lost earnings as well. If you were injured severely enough that you'll never be able to return to your current job, and you'll have to work for lesser pay or, worse, not work at all, your attorney can help you calculate future earnings as part of your settlement request.

The Effect On Your Family

In many courts, you can also factor in the effect that the accident has had on your family and ask for damages associated with loss of active involvement, long-term disability that affects your ability to care for or financially provide for your children, and more. Talk with your attorney about this type of restitution, though, because they will know what the courts do and don't allow in your state.

These are some of the things to consider when you're trying to decide how much you want to ask for in your auto accident case. Talk with a local law firm, such as Jeeves Law Group, P.A., today for more help and guidance.
