If you've ever been in an accident with a semi-truck, you know how scary it can be to get injured while the other driver flees. After such an event, it can be especially comforting to have the assistance of a good semi-truck accident attorney who can assist you get compensation from the driver and any third parties responsible. If you're not sure if you need to hire a semi-truck accident attorney, read on and find out if this type of legal aid could benefit your situation. 

1. You Are Seriously Injured

If a semi-truck crashes into the car behind you, you could suffer debilitating injuries such as a spinal cord injury or head injury that require intensive medical care for months or years. If your injury leaves you temporarily or permanently disabled, getting a semi-truck accident attorney can assist you to get compensation. 

2. You Have To Pay for a Continuous Course of Treatment

If you are injured in a semi-truck accident, it is highly likely you will pay for medical expenses, but you do not have a job. In many cases, insurance will only cover certain costs - and if it's by that point that insurance hasn't covered all of your costs, a semi-truck accident attorney can assist. You can get extra compensation. 

3. You Lost Income Due to the Accident

If a truck hits your car and you are bedridden for two weeks and unable to return to work, you can lose income. If you have, you can recover this lost income with the aid of a semi-truck accident attorney. Your attorney can estimate the amount of money lost from lost work and medical expenses incurred as a result of complications from your injury. 

4. The Other Party Denies Its Fault

If the other party claims that they are not responsible for the accident with your vehicle, you should not try to hold it against them. One of your best options when dealing with an insurance company is to hire a semi-truck accident attorney who can negotiate on your behalf. 

5. Insurance Refuses To Pay

If your insurance company has denied your claim, it's important to know how to protect yourself and understand your rights as an individual. The insurance company will have good legal representation; they will try their best not to pay for the damage caused. They may even try to blame something else, such as the weather or other factors beyond their control. 

Are you facing a recalcitrant semi-trucking company that is uncooperative in reviewing your claim? Call a semi-truck accident attorney to discuss the best course of action to pursue your claim.
